How to Make the Most of a Long Season

Finish Strong Before Winter Takes Hold Up North

For those up north and in the transition zone, the golf and general turf management season is winding down. When it doesn’t wind down as fast as you thought, that’s usually a good problem to have. Golf courses get more late-season patrons and lawn care operators get more mowing and treatment visits.

But a “good problem” is still, by definition, a problem. How do you keep turf in top shape at the end of the season? Here are some things to consider.

Use Fast Release Nitrogen in Applications To Get To The Finish Line

Slow release nitrogen fertilizer is a turf professional’s best friend when the weather starts to heat up. And we pride ourselves in having a robust line of products (like Country Club MD and ProScape that feature Meth-Ex and MESA) that can last up to 3-4 months. But when the weather is cooler in the spring and fall, ammonium sulfate and all mineral components are your best bet.

Products like our popular ProScape 16-4-8 (ammonium sulfate) provide the grass instant nitrogen that can be taken into the plant immediately without needing to be broken down or waiting for a coating to slowly erode. Your turf will get fed instantly and begin to grow deeper roots which will help it go into winter fully fed, ready to emerge the following spring for a great start to the season.

Get a Head Start on the Battle with Snow Mold

A long season might delay this application, but be ready to put down your snow mold treatment application right before the first snow accumulation. You’ll be ahead of the game and won’t be desperate to blow the snow off your greens through the winter.

Some LebanonTurf grasses even come with built-in snow mold resistance, like Pathfinder Creeping Red Fescue or Champagne Kentucky Bluegrass. If you have those varieties or ones like them, they’re already fighting in your corner with you.

Beware of the Frost

Freezing is natural, and turf is designed go dormant to withstand the onset of winter. Overwatering, however, can turn it into an issue if the timing is off. Since fall is typically a wetter season up north, your irrigation schedule is likely tapering off anyway. But as a warning, make sure to not irrigate too much before those colder evenings. Severe frost can damage the turf and cause problems through the winter into the spring.

Start Planning For Next Year

It’s never too early to get your game plan in place. With a combination of slow-release fertilizer and supplemental nutrients, you’ll give yourself as much control as possible. And keep your enemies close. If you’ve had a season full of insects, crabgrass, or other headaches, be proactive in getting rid of them for next season.

In future blog posts, we’ll talk about how winter isn’t an off-season, but rather a time to plan, regroup, and get off on the right foot when spring arrives.


For more information about LebanonTurf, our products or how to improve the quality of your turf, visit our website or our Facebook page.